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Radon Sump

A radon sump is a popular and effective choice when it comes to radon level reduction and is the ideal choice for situations where there are high radon concentrations. A void is created beneath the building which effectively becomes the lowest point of pressure. This means that any gas in the soil will be drawn to it. Once the gas has reached the void it can be safely vented away from the property via an exhaust pipe incorporating a fan. The exhaust pipe will discharge any harmful gases a safe distance from the property well away from doors and windows, usually above eaves level.

New buildings in radon affected areas often have a radon sump incorporated under the floor at the time of construction, ready to be brought into use if testing shows it is necessary. A perforated sump box is usually installed centrally beneath the building with pipework capped-off beside an external wall. To activate the sump, a fan should be fitted to the pipework and the exhaust pipe extended.

Buildings with a large footprint or properties that have had extensions added may require more than one sump system. Radon Protection UK use sophisticated diagnostic techniques to measure the area over which a sump will have an effect. This also enables our surveyors to determine the optimum location for a sump to be installed.

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